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1st day at school! The very 1st photo

September 02, 2020  •  3 Comments

Do you recall your first day of school photo? Do you still have it? We were all very young so we may not remember very clearly if at all. Who took the photo, was it a photographer or mum, dad or another person close to us?

Usually it's a parent or someone close to us that takes the photo on the way to school or outside the front door in our shiny new uniform. Proud days for mums, dads and carers all over the place! Hopefully the photo was relatively successful with a smile instead of tears and with a bit of time to spare rather than on the hop!

I have to say, I am very proud to be taking the very first, 1st day at school photos of the children of so many of my lovely clients and friends. The first day of school is an unusual concept for children of 4 years old, do they really get it? One of my clients told me that the photo helped their child realise a bit more, that school was around the corner and helped build the excitement... thank you so much for that wonderful feedback, you know who you are ;)

Have a wonderful first day children! And don't worry about your emotional parents, they will be ok :)

This is me, sharing the love... xxx 

1st day school blog pic1st day school blog pic


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Have a wonderful school life, children. You are so cutie cute)
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My congratulations with your 1st school day!!! I wish you good luck , Godspeed and farewell
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